Maintaining a healthy, green lawn can take a lot of time and effort, so there’s nothing more frustrating than finding out that the sod in your yard is infested with grubs.
Grubs can cause significant damage to your lawn, causing your grass to go brown and die despite all of the hard work you put in. So, how do you know if your sod has grubs in the first place and how can you get rid of them?
How Do You Know if Your Lawn is Infested with Grubs?
Before you decide to treat your lawn for grubs, it's essential to be sure that grubs are in fact the problem. Luckily, there are a few telltale signs that you can look for.
Brown Patches in Your Lawn
While this could be a sign of any number of issues, and most often is a sign of lack of water, if you start to notice brown spots in your lawn, this could be a sign of grub infestation. Grubs feed on the roots of your grass which kills the grass and causes it to turn brown.
If you suspect grubs, pull up the grass in and near the edge of the brown spot and look for grubs just under the surface. Grubs eat the roots of the grass allowing it to pull easily and grubs can be seen just under the dirt level.
Increased Bird Activity
Birds and other small animals like rodents and raccoons love to eat grubs, so if you notice that your lawn has suddenly become a hotbed for animal activity, it's likely that grubs are to blame.
Soft and Spongy Grass
When grubs eat through the roots of your grass, it leaves the grass with little support and causes the ground under it to feel soft and spongy when walked on.
Which Grub Treatment Should You Use?
Getting rid of grubs in sod is easier than you might think, but the first and most important step you need to take is to decide what type of grub treatment you want to use.
Imidacloprid is a special insecticide that can be used to kill grubs. When applied to your lawn, the imidacloprid is absorbed and held in the grass, killing any grub that comes in contact with it.
Imidacloprid is available in both granular and liquid forms and can be spread using a sprayer or fertilizer spreader.
If you’re looking for a more natural approach, using nematodes is the best choice. Nematodes are microscopic parasitic worms that love to feed on grubs, so applying them to your lawn is just as effective as any insecticide.
They often come in a sponge, liquid, or granular form and can also be applied using a sprayer or spreader.
How to Get Rid of Grubs in Sod
Firstly, while you can apply grub treatment all year round, it’s best to do it during late summer or early fall, though the ideal window may vary depending on where you live. By timing it right, you can ensure that the grubs don’t get too big or do too much damage to your yard.
Once you have your grub treatment follow the direction on the packaging to prepare it for application. This may involve you dissolving it in water or simply dumping it in a fertilizer spreader.
Once you have your treatment prepared, use your hose nozzle sprayer or spreader to evenly apply the grub treatment to your lawn and you’ll be back to having a grub-free lawn in no time.